10 questions that can help you succeed in 2017
The Christmas food is settling and reflection on 2016 has begun. If you had a rough 2016, you canât wait to shake the dust off your feet; and if 2016 was wonderful to you, you want that good fortune to continue. But where do you start? Before you haphazardly start setting goals, here are 10 questions you should ask yourself to help build on all you accomplished in 2016.{{more}}
1. What were your biggest accomplishments during 2016, personally and professionally?
2. Why were you successful at these endeavours and how can those success lessons help you in future endeavours?
3. What were your biggest mistakes (learning experiences) personally and professionally?
4. What can you do to avoid those same mistakes (learning experiences) in 2017?
5. What did you discover about yourself that was positive?
6. What did you discover about yourself that needs to change immediately?
7. What new skills did you acquire in 2016 and how can you improve on them in 2017?
8. List two goals that must be accomplished in 2017.
9. List two goals that you consider long shots, but you are willing to try to achieve in 2017.
10. List the characteristics that make you the best at what you do.
As you answer these questions, know that by January 30th most people abandon their goals and slip back into old self-defeating thoughts and habits. To avoid that, keep the following in mind:
Be ready to pay the price. No goal is accomplished without a sacrifice. Before you set arbitrary goals this New Year, seriously consider what pursuing this goal will cost you. The cost could be time, money, friends and family, or even a change in lifestyle. Whatever it is, take the time to examine the cost before you commit.
Work within smaller time frames. If you divide the year into quarters, you can potentially achieve one goal per quarter. Pick one goal you would like to accomplish within the next three months; this way you can see the results quicker. If you truly plan to achieve your goal, you must understand that it takes 21-30 consecutive days to change a habit and/or start a new one, so be patient.
Record your progress. Keep a journal of the progress you are making, as well as the difficulties you encounter and how you deal with each situation. You need not write daily, but a few times per week will suffice.
Get a support partner. Start a mastermind group, a success group or ask a friend/co-worker to encourage and celebrate with you on your road to victory.
Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert.â For a FREE SPECIAL REPORT on Avoiding Career Killers in the Workplace, send an email to info@workplacesuccess.com
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