Vincy Workplace
December 23, 2016

Bouncing back for Christmas

Army General Patton once said: “Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.” No doubt this has been a tough year for many people, and many of us hit bottom professionally with lost jobs, contracts and businesses. Some were hit hard with personal loss as well. So, how high will you bounce back in 2017?

No matter what kind of year you had, if you are reading this article, be thankful you still have life and strength, so celebrate. You may not have the new curtains, the big barrel, the extra ham or black wine, but that’s not the reason for the season.{{more}} We get the day off because we are celebrating the birth of Jesus.

2017 will be great for those who dig deeper and adapt quickly. Get a head start by doing the following:

1.Write down your career goals and the exact time frame in which you want to achieve them.

2. Take action and devise a sound plan to make those goals come true.

3. Identify your five best work skills, so you realize the value you bring to the workplace.

4. Identify three skills you would like to improve to reduce these deficiencies on your career.

5. Find someone who is able to offer sound professional advice and build a network.

I am looking forward to a quiet Christmas. Nothing fancy, but a peaceful time to reflect on the reason for the season and to give thanks for the many non-material blessings. We all have someone who cares for us and loves us, so give God thanks. So, as you gather with your loved ones, it is never about the black cake, ginger beer, macaroni pie, fresh paint and new furniture. Just give thanks for what is before you.

To all the readers who continue to read this column weekly and send emails, thank you for your comments and suggestions. I am humbled knowing I have this opportunity to serve you every week. Merry Christmas and let’s bounce back really high in 2017.

Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert.” For a FREE SPECIAL REPORT on Avoiding Career Killers in the Workplace, send an email to
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