Vincy Workplace
January 22, 2016

12 ways to position yourself for advancement

Savvy employees know that no job is guaranteed and in order to move up he or she must go out and actively seek opportunities for advancement. However, before you go knocking on the doors of potential employers, it might be in your best interest to make sure you look and act like a serious candidate for advancement.{{more}}

Here are a few tips to help you get on the road to a higher position.

1. Produce the best quality work every day.

2. Volunteer to do extra projects.

3. Show up early and stay later if you can.

4. Maintain a positive attitude.

5. Don’t compare yourself to others; just do your best.

6. Do what you say you are going to do. Let your yes be a yes and your no be a no.

7. Take advantage of in-house training and other educational programmes your company offers. Companies want people who are always willing to learn and try new things.

8. Conduct informational interviews to survey opportunities in your company or other companies.

9. Watch your language and practise using proper grammar. Avoid slang and foul language (especially when you are up against deadlines and the computer crashes!)

10. Keep your résumé current and always be on the lookout for better opportunities, even when you are happy where you are.

11. Use your network skills to strengthen business relationships inside and outside of your company.

12. Stay current on business issues, locally and globally.

Do not wait to be given an opportunity. Go out and take the opportunities.

Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert.”
Avoiding Career Killers in the Workplace,
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