Vincy Workplace
June 19, 2015

Preparing for a job interview – Part 1

I have received requests for help around job interviewing.  Here is an excerpt from my book  A Young Adult’s Guide to the Global  Workplace available at Gaymes and Jujube Bookstores. This is a two-part series.

 For your interview to be a success, there are a few essentials that must be attended to before you begin answering questions. The tips that follow will help you make the best impression before, during, and after the interview.{{more}}

Before the Interview

1.  Know how to get to the interview location.  If the address is unfamiliar, take a trip to the general area a few days before the actual interview. Look for parking areas if you plan to drive, or time your walking distance if you need to walk to the location or take public transportation.

2.  Prepare a typed list of references and take three copies with you to the interview.  Ask three people who know you well (such as teachers or counsellors at school, a former employer, or your religious leader) if you can give their names as references. On your list, give their name, title (if any), their phone number, and how they know you. Do not EVER give a reference without asking for permission first!

3.  Research the company.  Find out general information about the company: what kind of business it is, who are their customers, does it provide a service or produce a product for sale? Check the  website, or call the Chamber of Commerce, depending on what country you live in.

The Day of the Interview

1.  Take three copies of your résumé and three copies of your list of references.  Make sure they are unfolded in a clean folder. Offer one of each at the beginning of the interview.

2.  Go to the interview alone.  Do not take a friend or relative or have anyone meet you after the interview within the interview area or the parking area. Meet or have them pick you up around the corner.

3.  Arrive on time.  It’s okay to arrive about 5-10 minutes early, but NEVER arrive late. Arriving more than 10-15 minutes early can be an inconvenience to the interviewer.

4.  Dress for work.  Look professional, clean, and well groomed. Refer to the chapter on “Impression Management” for tips on personal grooming and dressing for the workplace.

Next week we will look at what to do during the interview.

Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert.” For a FREE SPECIAL REPORT on Avoiding Career Killers in the Workplace, send an email to

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