20 ways to stay positive
The last thing you need is people around you who encourage you to relive the pain in a negative way instead of looking for ways to be positive and pull through, so here are 20 tips to get you moving.
Write down your vision. Where do you want to be in six months , one year and five years? And dream big!
Surround yourself with at least two likeminded people.
Refuse to discuss people; remember the quote “small minds discuss people while great minds discuss ideas.â
Set daily goals and hold yourself accountable.
Reward yourself when you accomplish small tasks.
Focus on the good qualities in people.
Remind yourself that everyone is doing the best they know how to do in every given situation.
Offer to help others who may be going through a tough time. Break out of your pity party; someone probably has it worse that you do.
Know that you cannot save everyone.
Schedule time to spend with yourself; do something special for you on a regular basis.
Start a gratitude journal. Write down the little things that bring you joy, you are alive and have food, friends, a place to live, you can see and walk, etc.
Speak words of kindness to at least three people on a daily basis.
Smileâit releases endorphins that make you younger and live longer.
Get a good sea bath when possible just to relax.
Accept the things you cannot change in your life.
Stop looking at others and wishing for their lives; you donât know the price they paid and everything has a price.
Lifeâs joy is in relationships, not possessions; rekindle an old relationship that can be inspiring.
Spend time praying. Prayer will do wonders and God never sleeps.
Define what happiness is to you, write it down and remind yourself daily.
Forgive those you hurt you, cheat you out of a promotion, sabotage your work or have done other injustices to you.
Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert.â For a FREE SPECIAL REPORT on Avoiding Career Killers in the Workplace, send an email to info@workplacesuccess.com
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