Vincy Workplace
July 11, 2014

Networking Part 1: 8 Easy Ways to Navigate a Networking Event

Whether you are working abroad or locally, your ability to build strong relationships will fortify your career and or business. It is said that people do business with those they know, like and trust and people make these judgments within the first few seconds of meeting someone.  Networking events are an opportunity to meet new people and  strengthen existing relationships.{{more}}  This can be difficult, especially so at networking events where you may not know anyone. Here are eight tips to help make that process easier.

1. Start with the food. If you are unable to get a conversation going when you enter an event, look for the people who go to the food or drink line. This is one way to meet another “lone ranger” looking for a conversation.

2.  Eat, but don’t over-indulge. It’s always wise not to go to events hungry. Most of your time should be spent mingling, not eating. Eat before you go so you are not focused on the food.

3.  Small groups bring security. People who gather in small, familiar groups at events do so for purposes of security and comfort. Everyone is just as hesitant as you are. It’s perfectly fine to catch up with familiar friends and colleagues, but challenge yourself to meet new people as well.

4.  Drinks in your left hand. Cold drinks tend to sweat and you never want to offer a cold, wet hand for a handshake.

5.  Nametags on the right side. Always place your name-tag on your right shoulder or lapel. This way, as you shake hands, the other person’s sight line automatically follows your right hand up to your name-tag.

6.  Bring a great attitude. Be upbeat. Do not talk about problems with your boss, your job or your disappointment over that last bonus.

7.  Limit alcohol consumption. An open bar does not mean you need to try all the exotic drinks or load up on free beer. Even at a holiday party, be careful when consuming alcohol.

8.  Listen more than you talk. Figure out how you can help someone instead of always looking for people to help you.

Excerpt from the book Networking for a Better Position and More Profit by Karen Hinds.

Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert.” For a FREE SPECIAL REPORT on Avoiding Career Killers in the Workplace, send an email to

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