7 things you should do at the holiday party
Itâs time for the annual holiday party reminders. No matter how much we remind, outline or suggest what is appropriate behaviour at the company sponsored party, there are always stories of the people who just seem to go out of their way to jeopardize their careers over what they perceive to be a holiday party.{{more}}
Whether itâs your own or a friendâs, weâve all heard the horror stories that often result when the company sponsored holiday party goes wrong: drunk people dancing on tabletops or, worse, with the bossâ spouse. Promising professionals sometimes see promotions and opportunities to raise their profile evaporate when they ignore the unwritten rules of the company holiday party. Itâs really not a party, so pay attention!
1. Watch what you wear. A little holiday flair is fine, but adhere to the specified dress code. This is not the time to show off your assets in your best outfit, so remain conservative and look businesslike.
2. Maintain your professional decorum at all times. Even though you are at a holiday party, leave the “weekend personalityâ at home. âTis not the time to be jolly. Release your inner party animal at your own private party.
3. Represent your brand well. Not having enough business cards or rambling on when asked what you do is a major turn-off. Always carry lots of cards and practise your 30-second commercial. You should be able to articulate who you are and what you do in 30 seconds or less. Keep it short.
4. Quit the complaining. Do not talk about your problems with your boss, your job or that you will not be getting that holiday bonus at the office. Bring a great attitude and enjoy yourself instead.
5. Limit alcohol consumption. An open bar does not mean you need to try all the exotic drinks or load up on free beer. Even though itâs a holiday party, be wise when consuming alcohol. Alcohol can cause many to lose their inhibitions and that can potentially be career derailing, especially when senior leadership is present. Pace yourself, even if your company culture encourages heavy drinking.
6. Avoid controversial topics. Avoid religion and politics. Talk about career goals, sports, business news, etc. Have some knowledge of current, local and world events.
7. Expand your network. Donât just speak to your friends. This is the time to meet new people for professional advancement. Set a goal to get to know at least one to two new people as a direct result of attending the holiday event.
Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert.â For a FREE SPECIAL REPORT on Avoiding Career Killers in the Workplace, send an email to info@workplacesuccess.com
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