Vincy Workplace
January 4, 2013

5 ways to stay motivated in 2013

Happy New Year! Every new year starts off full of hope, new possibilities and opportunities. You listen to motivational speakers, read books, make big plans that lift your spirits and for about two days, maybe a week, you really feel invincible; then the feeling fizzles and before you realize it, you are back to your old routines and bad habits. This year could be different, if you really want it to be. Here’s how to make it happen.{{more}}

Decide. Figure out what you really want in 2013 and then sit down and write out a monthly plan to achieve it. Don’t put the plan away— keep it visible and take the steps you outlined. Imagine how you will feel when you accomplish whatever it is you want and can write down that feeling. For me, I am imagining a sold-out conference on April 13, when we bring our Phenomenal Woman Conference to rock SVG. I see women young and old getting excited about the speakers and actively pulling together after the conference to make some positive changes in their lives and in SVG. It is the start of something truly phenomenal. Your turn: how will you feel when you achieve your goal?

Find your supporters. Don’t look for a big cheering section, just find one or two people who will listen to you and encourage you. They don’t have to be with you 24/7 or agree with everything, but they believe in you. Cherish those people, but don’t expect them to constantly be available to you whenever you please. People will even try to put roadblocks in your way, but step over them or go around them just to connect with the right people.

Run away from the negative people. People who are negative are that way because their dreams were crushed or they are envious. Stop wasting your time and energy hoping to convert them. Leave them alone. Don’t get on Facebook and talk about your haters—you are wasting your energy. It’s said that harbouring any resentment towards anyone is the equivalent of you drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Smile at them and move along.

Recognize the power of your words. “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” If you constantly talk about how hard life is, then life will be hard. You have to talk your way into a better life. Yes, there will be days when you just won’t feel like it, but you had better declare to all the forces around you that in 2013 you are speaking your way out of your doldrums.

Study success. People who are successful were not born that way. They study success and get any information that teaches them to be successful. The formula has not changed and it’s not different in America or the Caribbean. I challenge you to take the time to use the brain power you were given and study what it means to be successful throughout the year. There are habits and mindsets that successful people engage in now and it was the same 50 years ago, even 200 years ago. Yes, some people use unscrupulous methods to advance themselves, but it never lasts or they are usually miserable. Do it the right way and do it now.

Use 2013 to become all you were born to be. Are you ready? I am!

Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert.” For a FREE SPECIAL REPORT on Avoiding Career Killers in the Workplace, send an email to
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