Vincy Workplace
May 18, 2012

What To Do When Bosses Want Sexual Favours

Part One: 8 Warning Signs Your Boss Wants Sexual Favours

Getting a job, especially when it’s your first position, your dream job or you’ve been out of work for quite some time, can truly be an exhilarating experience. It can, however, become a nightmare when someone in authority takes an interest in you in a very different way.{{more}}

I met a young woman recently, who was utterly frustrated by her situation. Apparently, the male boss in her office has a reputation of using the young women in the office as his sexual toys. Getting a promotion usually means that he must have his way with them first, before moving them up. What do you do, especially when you desperately need the job?

First, you need to recognize some of the signs that your boss may be putting the moves on you.

These types of bosses are predators and we will refer to them as such.

1. Your first handshake. The predators usually know immediately when they meet their next prey and it can be evident in a handshake. They may linger with their handshake, may compliment you on how soft your hands are, or even stroke your hand while shaking it. Be aware of what’s happening.

2. You are asked to work late alone. Not every late assignment alone is an indication of a predatory boss. However, when late assignments involve just the two of you and the predator spends some of that time complimenting you and “sweet talking” you, watch out. You are on a slippery slope.

3. He glances at you often. If you find the predator glancing at you and sometimes smiling, that is a clear indication that he has ulterior motives.

4. He sends you personal emails. All emails should be of a professional nature at work. If you receive personal emails with information that does not relate to work, this is inappropriate.

5. He calls/texts you frequently for no apparent reason. A boss obviously has to communicate with you on a regular basis, but when the phone calls or text messages have no apparent purpose, he is thinking of more than work.

6. You receive special assignments and attention. If you find that you are being singled out and getting choice assignments and special attention, especially when you are not qualified, you need to keep your eyes open as to what is happening.

7. He asks you to go out with him. If the invitation is to a social, non-work-related event, with just the two of you, or with his friends and family, it’s a date. When this happens, you need not wonder if he is interested in you. Don’t get excited, especially if you think he is attractive—he is actually setting you up to kill your career.

8. He asks you to sleep with him. If you missed all the other signs we discussed or the predator is a fast mover, this should be clear as day. Saying yes will have its own consequences.

Next week, we will discuss what to do in Part Two: How to Handle the Matter.

Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert.” For a FREE SPECIAL REPORT on Avoiding Career Killers in the Workplace, send an email to
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