Vincy Workplace
March 12, 2010

Reputation Repair

This week’s article is based on a recent question I received via our website.


You mentioned it’s nearly impossible to rebuild a reputation once tarnished. The (American) sports media has allowed us to believe otherwise. We have seen celebrities like Kobe Bryant, Charles Barkley and now possibly Tiger Woods rebuild their reputations. What steps do you think they have taken to be successful at this or at least allowing us to forget/forgive their faults?{{more}}


It would be nice if the average working person could have access to the image experts celebrities around the globe have at their disposal. Since that is not a possibility, the average person who has damaged their reputation can use the same tactics as celebrities.

Unfortunately, by the time we realize our reputation has taken a hit; few people stick around to actually attempt a repair. Many move on to another job with hopes to start again, some just ignore the problem and never become proactive, and the majority are not even aware they have a reputation problem.

For those who know there is a problem, here is the 6-step celebrity process to repairing your reputation.

6 Steps to Reputation Repair

1. Start with an apology (just like Tiger and a host of others) to the offended parties. If the list is too long, then start small and work through it.

2. Stop the behaviour/s that got you in this position. Maybe you are constantly tardy, never keep your word, submit poor work or maybe you stole, whatever it is, stop it.

3. Look for the one or two persons in your camp who can support you, as it can be tough time. You will need them to reassure you and to encourage you as you rebuild fences.

4. Accept the consequences and don’t pretend to be the victim. This is not the time to play the blame game.

5. Look for opportunities where you can demonstrate the new you. Keep your word, follow through and perform above and beyond. This will help others to see you are serious. You will not win over everyone but you will win over a few.

6. Be patient. This all takes time especially if your reputation was severely damaged. Give people the chance to come around to the new you. Some relationships will never be restored so accept that fact.

Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert” For a FREE SPECIAL REPORT on 7 Ways to Develop your Competitive Edge in the Workplace, send an email to Visit online at