Vincy Workplace
July 31, 2008

International attitude needed for International Airport

I am truly excited about the coming of an international airport! I could fly straight home, skipping the Barbados or Puerto Rico connection, and I could look forward to getting my luggage when I land instead of waiting a day to a week later. The international airport will also mean more business coming to SVG, which would provide a perfect opportunity for SVG to showcase itself on the international stage.{{more}} But I have to wonder, do we have the international attitude on our streets and in our workplaces that is needed to support that business?

When I came home a few weeks ago for a well-needed rest, I was a little frustrated by the negative atmosphere that seemed to be hanging over the place. Too many people seemed vexed, way too many were arguing in public, and I couldn’t walk for than two minutes in town without hearing somebody “buss a dirty word.”

Getting service was no different. A trip to the supermarket proved frustrating when one clerk who was enthusiastic and friendly was hampered by a supervisor who obviously felt it was “beneath her” to assist in bagging groceries until relief came. As a result, the line grew longer and customers became upset as the supervisor sat and laughed while reiterating her refusal to bag. A visit to one of the phone companies was no better. One clerk who was tending to a customer was interrupted by a coworker who wanted to discuss a personal, nonwork-related matter. The customer finally protested and demanded proper service.

So how do we change our complacent, existing attitudes?

If employers are serious about capitalizing on the opportunities that will come with the international airport project, then it’s not too early to start preparing. First of all, employers need to demand that employees treat customers with respect. Why not tie an employee’s ability to serve a customer appropriately to their salary? Why not reward them for great service when they do practice it?

UPS, FedEx, and McDonalds set time limits on how long it should take to greet and serve a customer. Their guidelines range from a few seconds to a few minutes. Imagine going into Kingstown to take care of some banking in less than the hours it takes now. “Service” is really that absurd, yet none of the banks seem concerned about addressing the issue. How about providing a special line for senior citizens? Why not open a few smaller branches outside Kingstown? Or, what about putting bank counters in store fronts or supermarkets to alleviate some pressure? Such approaches are common in the US, so why not in SVG? Remember when we only had gas stations in Kingstown? Well, now gas is available at different points in the country-same idea: banks are no different.

When the airport is open, people will come, they will build, and they will spend. But if they have problems getting assistance when they need it, we will suffer.

Yes, I do want an international airport as much as you do – if not more so – but we must get our acts together to shine on the world stage.

Karen Hinds President/CEO –
Workplace Success Group,
Toll Free: 1-877-902-2775;
Tel: 1-203-757-4103
Creator of The Workplace Success Program (TM)