Vincy Workplace
December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays

In parts of the world, there is a debate in the workplace about what to say to colleagues at this time of year. Should you say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or Season’s Greetings? The debate stems from the need to be politically correct and not offending non-Christians.

Christmas is a Christian celebration and it’s important not to dilute the true meaning of the day. Christmas is slowly becoming more about decorations, gifts and political correctness than about the birth of Jesus.{{more}}

So what is a Christian to do in the workplace? Should they say Merry Christmas? Yes, by all means and non-Christians should not be offended as St.Vincent is a Christian nation.

So as you bid your co-workers good bye for the weekend, wish them a Merry Christmas.

I am looking forward to a quiet Christmas with my family. Nothing fancy but a peaceful time to reflect on the reason for the season and to give thanks for the many non-material blessings I have. We all have good friends and family who care for us and love us and we give God thanks for his gift to the world.

So as you gather with your loved ones, it was never about the black cake, ginger beer, macaroni pie, new curtains, fresh paint and new furniture. Just give thanks for what is before you.

• Karen Hinds President/CEO – Workplace Success Group, Toll Free: 1-877-902-2775; Tel: 1-203-757-4103
Creator of The Workplace Success Program (TM)