December 22, 2017

Time to wish all ah Merry Christmas

Botanic Gardens wid its Nine Evenings of Lights is de Night Spot to lime before de season ends. Just fancy dat event going on foh de last two years and is only Tuesday night ah took in de act-shun. De whole am-blue-ance (blue lights) look fan-tab-yuh-lous, it left my house guest Markey Browne stunned. Doh tek my word foh gospel, go see foh yo-self. Ah give de Committee 8 out ah 10. Dey’s ah cultural package every night dat could do wid ah few more items; and wid donations forthcoming, in another two years, wid some lights on de bigger trees, we could boast another Vincy Christmas Calendar Event.

Ah happy dat Starlift Steel Orchestra 50th Anniversary (Christmas) Concert was ah tremendous success. Sorry ah had to give it ah bye. One could argue dat de eighty dollars admission fee, was not too big ah contribution, to show one’s appreciation to ah Treasured Cultural Monument with Fifty years “toiling in de Pan Yard,” Dey’s however ah financial Red Light when yuh got three members in de family dat want to see Ah Starlift Spectacular Show. Dat’s when de eighty dollars Gate Fee suddenly tun into $240.00. And to be honest, at dis time of year, Christmas is when one has to spread de Love. De Editorial of de Searchlight Midweek dis week says it all : “Focus less on getting, more on giving.” De Magis brought de Christ Child material Gifts dat also has spiritual significance: Gold, dat brings comfort, it’s de symbol of Virtue, ‘Frankincense’ symbolizing ‘Prayer’, and ‘Myrrh’ of sweet ‘Aroma’ known to unite ‘Heaven and Earth’ in ah person. So we don’t all have “Money” to give, but lickle do we know dat we have lots of other Gifts. Time is ah One-dah-full Christmas Gift. Dat long overdue visit warrants quality Time at Christmas.

When ah think of quality Time, ah think of de Gospel Hall Maranatha Choir, one of our oldest, most active group of singers. Ah dozen senior folks wid young voices who dis year presented ah Cantata : “Born a King” ah one hour package. Dey gave up ah lot ah dey Time, practicing twice ah week since September. De performance was excellent, ah true reflection of committed and dedicated work wid Love. ‘Nuff respect to Sam Veira, de conductor and an accomplised musician. But most significant was de entrance: Ah Free Show, ah Gift of Love. Maybe, just maybe, in de future when Groups and Organ-I-say-shun having Christmas packages, it would be great to “Focus less on getting (back yuh expenses), more and giving!”

Yes in our different ways we can find Time to create Gifts dat could bring de meaningful Peace and Love dis Christmas. But as ah said Time is what we need. Solomon in all his woman-eyes-in reminds us dat dey’s “Time foh everything, Time to get! Time to give! Time to speak! Time to listen ! and so on. Time in itself is de gift of sacrifice worth more dan money and foh dis Christmas let’s find Time to wish everyone Merry Christmas. And wid dat, is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.