Who E Hut E Hut
AH LISTENED wid pity foh SVG, when ah heard de Aweposition Leader lamenting over de act-shun of ah Permanent Secretary, who turned up as part of de ULP delegation when pull-it-tek-all parties met at de Electoral Office, to discuss de new Votes List.
Eustace did not I-dentify de PS by name, but ah read way Julie-Ann cleared de air on de matter and said dat his deputy chairperson attended de meeting, de pieces fitted Dr Audrey Gittens-Gilkes, PS in de Ministry of Housing who incidentally, is de only PS/ deputy chair of ah Pull-it-to-kill Party in SVG. Bucket ah go ah wellâ¦.{{more}}
Dis has serious implications. I am reminded of ah party fanatic who cheered de Nurses Select-shun Panel dat refused to employ Kass, my granddaughter. She had just graduated at Nursing School wid distinction, having placed 1st in years one and two and 2nd in de Final Year. Dey was an interesting turn of events when her name came up foh select-shun foh employment. Forty persons were selected but my grand-daughterâs name was not on dat list. One member of dat fear-most Select-shun Panel informed me later, dat when my grand-daughterâs name came up for select-shun, de Cheerwoe-man, ah party demon-I-saw asked : “Who is she? What colour is she?â And dat was it foh Kass.
Yes, Ole People was correct, yuh could forgive but yuh canât forget. Many times ah would have prayed to de Almighty for forgiveness foh dat cheerwoe-man, in particular foh her second and third generation. Ah wonât want anyone to share de pain I endured watching my grand-daughter, ah local Graduate Nurse wid ah baby to mind, being victim-eyes and denied employment, when dey were vacancies, Thanks to Dr Garraway, he had no vacancy, but he give her ah job thereby protecting her sanity.
SVG, Hairouna, Yurumei our Home of de Blessed must be saved from dis wicked brand ah Comered-is-him!
NOBODY FAILED Ah get bitter when ah have to return to events like de above. It takes away from de joy ah want to share wid all CPEA students who wrote de 2015 examinations. As usual ah would big-up those who passed as well as those whose efforts did not make de grade, let us never refer to our youngsters as failures. Jules Ferdinand takes pride in walking around wid a copy of his Common Entrance Results. De way Jules talks about his results you would think he came in de top five. But Jules never passed Common Entrance and dat is de piece ah paper dat he walks around wid.
Today, over forty years after, Jules is Dr Ferdinand, lecturer at deUWI St. Augustine Campus. So all is not lost foh those kids who didnât make de pass mark. Ah does pray dat it is de Lordâs Will dat Jules wins de West St George seat dis upcoming elect-shun. When yuh sharing out goodies, donât share foh one only if yuh canât share foh all. But ah glad foh Ms Ula Johnny, St Maryâs RC Principal and young Catlick Woe-man, ah Garyfoh-Una from Greiggs. She took over from Sis Ivy, de former Principal and ah Nun, incidentally Ms Johnny had signed up to become ah Nun, but de Lord had her down foh another mission, Lie-Za say she went in foh Nun and came back None (deless).
My two kids adore Ms Johnny who was dey Common Entrance Teacher. Dis year St Maryâs got three of de Top Ten positions way Rishona James of RC tie-in wid Paige Cadogan of Windsor Primary foh de first position. Ah was reliably informed dat both Rishonaâs and Paigeâs fathers, performed dey role as fathers on de schoolâs PTA, congrats fellars!
One Love Bassy
Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.