Fardah, thanks…for yuh sense ah humah
For example rabble-rousing on de street might get overlooked, but donât even as much as speak loudly as yuh pass de church door during ah Service, dat is considered disrespect. So Sat-deyâs unruly behavior at EGâs Funeral service in Church, regardless to who was speaking was out-ah-hand and totally unacceptable!
De Christianâs greatest Weapon is de Word all bounded in de Holy Bible, datâs his/her sword and shield. King David speaks of de Word (de Bible) as de lamp unto his feet and ah light unto his path. Deyâs ah passage dah says: “For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing even to the point of dividing soul from spirit, and joints from marrow; it is able to judge the desires and thoughts of the heart.â My cousin Theo Browne loves dat passage. Would yuh believe dat inspite ah all ah dat, we got people among us, some dead some alive who at de unbelieving stage ah dey life, took matches, set fire to de Word and bun de Bible to ashes. “Deyâs no Godâ dey said. And God wid his great sense ah humah, laughed!
EG knew dem all personally and uses to read out dey names one by one, deyâs way he made ah lot ah NME foh his ventilation. What is reassuring in all ah dis, is dat God in his infinite wisdom and sense ah humah, has made it possible, thru de precious blood of His Son Jesus, foh whosoever believes in him and CONFESSES to be saved. Thank God today we could now boast of meeting EG and others in Heaven.
Father Jones in his Homily at EGâs funeral spoke humourously of de encounter between EG and St Peter at Heavenâs Gate. Maybe if Jones had stayed around last Fry-dey evening and into de Sabbath, he would ah heard de Big Lots-Of-Laugh (LOL) in Heaven when Ralph appeared from no-way, and walked down de aisle pushing his way behind EGâs coffin. De LOL continued when de PM was called to de Pulpit, de Holy of Holies but de crowd refused to let him speak. De crowd erred but de LOL continued further on Monday, when Fr George of de RC Church ironically, condemned de disorder in de Anglican Church. Now Fr George is ah most lovable Priest, who is entitled to an opinion, which he gave, but he should clench his fist and not go pointing fingers at Fr Jones, another officiating officer, foh not calling foh order at de funeral. Remember deyâs always de story wid de adulterous woman who was brought to Jesus to be stoned.
But seriously, two consecutive Booes at public functions in ah month is beyond limit. First leading Entertainer Skinny Fabulous was Booed during his Soca Presentation; and now de PM Booed before even making his Fear-well Presentation⦠to EG. ULP got to pass another one ah dey Retroactive Bills, not just to Ban Boo-ing, but mek all Boo-ing on Sat-dey and before, null and void!
Bro. PR is usually wrathed wid these societal set-backs. On his very treasured Radio Program, “De Law on You,â PR went wild as in his “Wild Act Days,â outlining de six years maximum penalty in Law, foh people who disrupt religious proceedings in de Lordâs House. It was den Lie-Za phoned to tell me she believes now, dat de Lord got ah sense ah humah and does buss-out LOL. He has no choice when He hears how we down here playing most holy, wid Law to Jail people for making noise in Church, while deâs ah deafening silence on Pedophilia, on Fornicators, nothing on persons dah tek de Bible mek stove! Ah tell she to go back to her TV, and listen to “De Law and You!â And wid dat is gone ah gone again.
One Love Bassy
Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.