Brief reflections on a friendship
Andrea Bowman (left) with friend Garth Saunders
May 26, 2023

Brief reflections on a friendship

by Andrea Bowman

I have known Garth since I was 14 years old. He was 16. There was Sports Practise on Saturday mornings. Garth was all events for Reeves House. I cheered for Staff House. There were picnics, hikes and house parties. We had jobs at Christmas. There was jumping with Chippy’s band on Carnival Mondays. Then we went away. Long letters between Mayaguez and Kingstown and Bridgetown. Garth wrote beautifully. We liked to read. Then came our marriages; our boys; Christmas and Old Year’s “limes”. Within his 17/18 years at the helm of CWSA were my 13 years heading the GHS. He visited GHS to see the pipes which I annoyingly asked CWSA to fix. He enjoyed his job. He took pride in it, way beyond the call of duty.

Gradually, then suddenly my friend fell ill. How? How could the SVGS record-holder for the shot-put (or was it the discus?) and the anchor of the tug-o-war team fall ill? I raced home and in early January, 2022, I hugged my loyal, warm, fuzzy friend for the last time. Virtual hugs via Whatsapp then had to suffice. As of the 14th May, 2023, I will hug him as long as I have memory. There is a sense that we have got to this point quickly.

I am so proud of Garth’s service to our country. He served with love and an unshakable sense of responsibility. He was professionally prepared to execute his tasks thoroughly. He relished hands-on interaction. He has left his constructive marks on our landscape. Thank you Garth. Thank you for leading by example. Thank you for the laughter. Thank you for the friendship. I will not describe the sorrow I feel.