Carifta Trials are on this weekend
February 28, 2025

Carifta Trials are on this weekend

It is time again for Track and Field athletes to take a shot at making the standards that will put them in the mix to make the final cut to the 2025 Carifta Games, set for the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Trinidad and Tobago from April 19-21.

This, as Team Athletics SVG holds its Carifta Trials tomorrow, Saturday, March 1, and Sunday March 2, 2025, at the Diamond Track Facility.

Over the course of the two days, athletes will test their speed and strength in the 110, and 400 metres Hurdles; the High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Putt, Discus, as well as Javelin Throw.

In addition, there will be competition in the 100, 200, 400, 800, 1,500 and 3,000 metres.

The trials begin at 10:00 a.m on Saturday, and 12-noon on Sunday.

Already making the A standard are AJ Delpesche and Keo Davis in the Under -20 Male 200m. Likewise, J’avair Cato has leapt to an A standard in the Male Under-20 Triple Jump. Joining them with A standard performance is Tedre O’ Neil in the Pole Vault.

Meanwhile, Leemore Ollivierre has made the B standard in the Under-17 male High Jump as well as the 200m; so too has Trevel Sylvan in the Male Under-20 High Jump.

Putting his name in the hat for possible selection is Delron Delpesche, who met the minimum requirements for the B standard in the Under-20 Male 100m.

Attaining the A standard guarantees selection, while athletes who make the B standard are up for consideration.

Other factors such as consistency, regular attendance at meets organised by the national Track and Field body, are among other considerations before a final selection is made.

St Vincent and the Grenadines failed to medal in 2024, when the Carifta Games were held at the Kirani James Athletics Stadium in Grenada.