SVG joins in Celebrating Olympic Day 2024
Stephen Joachim, presidnet of SVGOC
June 21, 2024

SVG joins in Celebrating Olympic Day 2024

This Sunday, June 23, athletes in St Vincent and the Grenadines join others globally to mark Olympic Day. The following is a message from the president of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Olympic Committee (SVGOC), to mark the occasion:

June 21 June 23rd, 2024 Each year, we in sport celebrate Olympic Week and Olympic Day. 2024 is a special year as the world gathers to witness the Olympic Games being hosted in Paris, France. It is an exciting time to be in the world of sports.

The Olympic Games are the pinnacle of sports. Athletes from around the world will gather in Paris to give their best efforts. All athletes who get to the Games have made tremendous sacrifices. They have dedicated themselves to be the best they can be. Millions of people around the world will watch the athletes’ performances and many young people will be inspired to start their own journeys towards competing in a future Games.

We all see the athletes, but we must also recognize the teamwork it took to get the athletes to this elite level. We must be reminded that behind every athlete are a dedicated team of persons helping the athlete to achieve their dreams. This team includes coaches, physical therapists, managers, nutritionists, sports psychologist, administrators and in most cases, dedicated parents.

Preparing athletes to compete at the Olympic Games is an expensive proposition. Those of us who live in smaller countries like SVG face very serious challenges to get athletes to an elite Olympic level. These challenges include financing and facilities. There are no easy solutions and we recognize that Governments have limited resources and must make difficult choices in the allocations of these resources.

I want to congratulate the athletes who will represent SVG in Paris. Congratulations also to their coaches and all those who have worked to get them to this level. We know you will give the best you have to offer and that is all we can ask of you.

Sport is a unifying force and this will once again be exhibited in Paris in a couple of months.

On this Olympic day, as on every Olympic day, we take this opportunity to remind ourselves of the three values at the heart of Olympism. These are excellence, respect and friendship.

We encourage all in our society to strive for excellence is all aspects of their lives. We ask that we treat each other with respect. We know that friendship results in better relationships and understanding. We encourage friendships to develop.

Olympism, and the values underpinning it, are a guide to our society and a better world. In SVG, let’s all try to strive for excellence, let us show respect for each other and let’s build friendships. Olympic Day is celebrated annually on June 23. This Sunday, June 23, will see the SVGOC hosting a Triathlon from the Layou Waterfront. The Triathlon involves Swimming, Cycling and Running. The Day culminates with a Volleyball demonstration at the Layou Hard Court.

Last Sunday June 16, the Week of Activities began with a Church Service at the Lodge Village Church of God. On Thursday, June 20, a Domino Tournament was planned for

Olympic House, Villa Point.