More support needed for TT Camp – officials
Kevin Farley (left) instructing Shanecia Delpesche , one of SVG’s top female TT players
August 18, 2023

More support needed for TT Camp – officials

One of three visiting coaches to the Sean Stanley Table Tennis Academy regional camp wants to see more corporate support for the venture.

The camp, held at the West St George Secondary School, ran from August 11 to 21 and was able to attract participation from young players from Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados as well as host country St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Although satisfied with the output from all, Farley, whose organisation Caribbean Unity Sports Inc. was a partner in staging the camp, believes the efforts can be solidified through greater corporate and government solidarity and support.

“St Vincent and the Grenadines needs to invest more in the camp, get it bigger… Invite about 12 countries, because there is a lot of potential in this type of activity… We just need to get corporate St Vincent and the Grenadines on board …If you do it bigger, you will get more mileage,” Farley outlined.

He advanced that the location is ideal.

“When you find a venue like this, where from Barbados, it is about 30- 35 minutes away and Trinidad and Tobago, 40-45 minutes away, everyone can get here in reasonable time,” Farley suggested.

He is of the view that the camp for all intents and purposes, has fulfilled its objective.

“It is an opportunity that does not come too regular where you have other Caribbean territories participating in a high level, intense training camp….

“With such intense training, I believe we can match the Spanish speaking countries If we can put on two or three camps of this nature per year, the level of Table Tennis in the Caribbean and St Vincent and the Grenadines can improve,” Farley related.

Likewise, fellow Barbadian, Rhea Jemmott also called for support for such ventures as a means of crime prevention.

Jemmott, who is the Associate Director of the National Peace Programme in Barbados was part of the camp to monitor the events as a partner with Caribbean Unity Sports Inc.

“The National Peace Programme is a government initiative aimed at promoting peace, harmony and stability… The programme includes various activities for the strategic prevention of crime in the short term and self-development training for opportunities for the medium to long term…. Table Tennis is not only a sport… It is a fun activity, where persons involved will get to learn about social cohesion…It is a big discipline,” Jemmott said.

She informed SEARCHLIGHT that through Minister of State with responsibility for Crime Prevention Corey Lane, her country is using sports as a means to stem crime, violence and deviance in the youth population.

Meanwhile, Sean Stanley, who is the driving force behind the camp, reiterated that the undertaking is more than sports, as it gives the visitors an opportunity to tour some of the scenic sites the country has to offer.