Team Athletics SVG  executive urged to provide a better example for all
President of Team Athletics SVG, Keith Joseph
October 4, 2022

Team Athletics SVG executive urged to provide a better example for all

Re-elected president of Team Athletics SVG, Keith Joseph has identified “unity” as the watchword of his new executive going forward.

Speaking at the installation of the executive to serve until 2026, Joseph called on elected officials to accept collective responsibility and guard their stewardship with dignity.

“I think we have to provide a better example for all in terms of sport in St Vincent and the Grenadines”, the long- standing track and field administrator outlined.

Addressing his fellow executive members, Joseph cautioned, “ As members of the executive, one would expect not to be hearing things from executive members about executive members, and executive members about the way the sport is conducted because we are the ones carrying the torch”.

Joseph spoke on the basis that there were instances of discord during the tenure of the previous executive.

He therefore called on his members to refresh themselves and hold their positions with the highest order of integrity.

“ We have to have a renewed approach in terms of how we view the sport; those who have served the sport and continue to serve the sport in whatever capacity whether as coaches as heads of clubs, or members of clubs”, Joseph emphasised.

Joseph was re-elected unopposed in an executive comprising four males and two females.