Gymnastics Association installs new executive
From left - La Prise Harris- Williams, Jose Forde, Emma Jackson, Melissa Veira, Fiona Charles, Laferne Sutherland
September 23, 2022

Gymnastics Association installs new executive

Former Secretary of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Gymnastics Association (SVGGA) Emma Jackson, has been charged with the responsibility to lead the organisation for the next three years.

Jackson was elected to the top post, when the SVGGA held an extraordinary Annual General Meeting, Wednesday September 14, at the Dolphin’s Gymnastics and Health Academy.

Replacing Sharleen Fraser, Jackson, speaking on behalf of her new executive, thumbed a push to make the sport more visible to St Vincent and the Grenadines, as the immediate mandate.

“One of the major plans that we know that we want to focus on, is awareness, by getting St Vincent and the Grenadines recognizing that Gymnastics is not just a sport, but it is here to stay, hence, we want as an executive to dub our first year, with our mandate being awareness and education,” Jackson explained to SEARCHLIGHT.

She noted the process of awareness and education, stating, “A lot of people don’t recognize how scores are allocated in competitions or meets, as well as the different equipment that are utilized in the sport”.

Jackson acknowledged that the education is not only for the wider Vincentian community, but to the athletes as well as the parents of the athletes.

Assisting Jackson to carry out the mandate are five other executive members who were installed at the elective meeting.

Re-elected to the position of vice–president is Melissa Viera, while Jose Forde stays as treasurer.

Similarly, LaPrise Harris-Williams keeps the post of technical director.

The executive is completed by Laferne Sutherland, who is the assistant treasurer and Fiona Charles, who takes up the position of secretary.