Coombs elected to serve on CFU Legal Committee
President of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Football Federation (SVGFF) Venold Coombs has been appointed to serve on the CFU Legal Committee until the election of a new CFU Executive Committee in 2020.
According to information coming out of the CFU, the Committee, which will be chaired by Bruce Blake of the Cayman Islands, “is expected to engage in the work as a means of making a significant contribution to the transformation of the CFU especially as it relates to updating the organisation’s statutes.”
The Legal Committee is a Standing Committee of the CFU and its membership comprises: Bruce Blake, chair (Cayman Islands), Marcel Bafu (French Guyana), Oliver Smith (Turks and Caicos Islands), Venold Coombs (St Vincent and the Grenadines), Danae Daal (St Maarten), Anthony Johnson (St Kitts and Nevis) and Jose Brenes (Puerto Rico).
The Committee, according to the information, will be guided by its Terms of Reference, the CFU Executive Committee Policies and the CFU Statutes (2012 Edition). In addition the General Secretariat will provide the requisite assistance for the Committee to effectively achieve the deliverables as set out in the Terms of Reference, the CFU said.