Blue Marlins developing young swimmers in SVG
October 16, 2015

Blue Marlins developing young swimmers in SVG

The Blue Marlins Swim Club held its second developmental swim meet for swimmers eight years and under at the Shrewsbury Aquatic Centre on Saturday, October 10.{{more}}

The event, which was organized by coaches Neisha and Ricky Alexander and sponsored by Tha Hook Up and Accent Dental, sought to give younger swimmers a chance to compete and have fun, as most of them do not take part in major competitive events.

Swimmers from the two main swim clubs in St Vincent and the Grenadines — Blue Marlins and Black Sands — participated in the mini meet. They were grouped into Mixed 7-8 and Mixed 6 and Under, and competed in freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, doggie paddle and kick board races.

“The Blue Marlins Swim Club is committed to advancing the sport of swimming in St Vincent and the Grenadines, and starting with the young ones is a great opportunity to do so,” said coach Neisha. She is currently pursuing a three-month swim coaching programme in Canada — all part of the Club’s plan to play its part in developing the sport here.