Sentry Insurance using Jaric suggestions to improve the work environment
General Manager of Sentry Insurance, Fidel Taylor takes credit for inviting Director of Jaric Environmental and Health Safety Services Limited and National Safety Council (NSC) master trainer, Eric Kipps to St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).
Taylor told SEARCHLIGHT this week that in November 2014, he invited Kipps here for the country’s first ever defensive driving conference and after that initiative was completed, Kipps stayed and set up Jaric St. Vincent Limited (Jaric SVG).
“…and the rest is history, and we (Sentry) have been supporting them ever since,” Taylor said, while congratulating the company for their 10 years of service to SVG.
“I would recommend them because they are highly trained people in areas like defensive and offensive driving, as well as Occupational Health and Safety (OHS).
“They are very knowledgeable and they helped write the OHS Act,” Taylor pointed out.
The insurance practitioner said he knows that Jaric SVG has a wealth of experience in OHS and other security and safety initiatives, and the company has a lot to offer SVG.
“I am happy that they responded to our request to set up office in St Vincent and the Grenadines. They helped us develop as a young nation,” as he cited
a number of local companies with which Jaric works.
“They have services in various aspects of OHS so we really congratulate them, and I think they have a lot more to accomplish and have accomplished, and as they get the support, they will be able to deliver even more,” Taylor told SEARCHLIGHT.
“Jaric is really all about lifting the quality of products and services in SVG. I would encourage the business sector to support them because there is a lot to gain in relation to their services.
“I sometimes send our customers to Jaric if they got into an accident, and Jaric teaches you how to make sensible decisions when driving that will protect your vehicle and other users of the road,” Taylor explained.
He said his company uses suggestions from Jaric to improve the workplace environment and this includes things that may seem simple, like having proper chairs for employees, breaks for employees, proper lighting, and having clean air condition units.
“Some people don’t know that the work is making them sick. People get sick at work because of workplace hazards, and workplaces need to invest in training in the area of OHS for workers because environments can make workers sick and make them less productive,” Taylor pointed out.
“We take our work environment seriously with things like chairs, lighting. We tell workers to take 15 minutes break in morning and 15 minutes break in evening. We make sure the ACs are cleaned regularly.
“Work is home away from home, and we also have a policy of giving our employees 100 percent medical insurance. We encourage eye tests … Jaric has trained us in health and safety.”
Taylor said he would encourage people to use the services offered by Jaric SVG.