PTA President sees improved conduct among WSGSS students
Special Features
September 20, 2024

PTA President sees improved conduct among WSGSS students

The president of the Parents/ Teachers Association(PTA) of the West St George Secondary School, Ronika Boyd, is pleased with the improved conduct of students.

The school, one of the newest in St Vincent and the Grenadines, and said to be the costliest, is now celebrating 20 years since its establishment and Boyd has been serving as President of the PTA for just under two years.

Though acknowledging that there is much more room for improvement, Boyd said there has been an increase in attendance, and improvement in the conduct of students which she attributes this to the collaborative effort of teachers and parents arising from PTA discussions.

She is confident that the school will see favourable results if parents continue to work alongside the teachers.

She told SEARCHLIGHT that the teachers are very helpful and are working well with the facilities and materials that are available to them However, while acknowledging that most parents are preoccupied with their jobs, Boyd said that she would like to see more parents attending PTA meetings.

“…the meetings are important because we need to get the parents on board with the teachers. We need parents and teachers to work hand in hand in order to teach and provide the students with better materials…”.

She outlined the importance of PTA meetings at which parents are updated about the school and their children. She said one of the concerns that parents raised is that students often linger on the road and arrive at school late, so the parents recommended increasing security, and applying punishment for late comers, and rewards for those who get there early.

Since then, she said there has been a slight improvement in attendance. Boyd said there is widespread misconception that the school is filled with delinquent students. However, she contends that there has been a decrease in fights and inappropriate behaviour among students.

“The children are more well dressed, well-mannered and stuff like that. We would have one or two cases…but it’s not as bad as it was before.”

She applauded the teaching staff saying that they put their best foot forward for their students, and work just as hard as any other teachers in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

“It’s just the parents who have to work hand in hand with the teachers to ensure that the students are getting the best knowledge and care possible at the institution.”

Boyd declared that WSGSS is “a really good school” with good facilities, and has seen great results in both academics and sports.

“As much as teachers can drive the children on their way, we as parents also need to assist in that regard because when our kids leave home to go to the school, they are in the teacher’s care, but when they come home they’re back in ours so we need to work hand in hand with them to ensure that we get the best for the kids.”