How to wear Fishnet Stockings
What's on Fleek this week
November 3, 2015

How to wear Fishnet Stockings

Fishnet stockings are not the easiest of looks to pull off and still look like a lady. To make fishnets appear more elegant, here are a few suggestions.

Wear the right clothing:

Fishnets paired with a mini and high heels are suggestive of quite the opposite of ladylike clothing. {{more}}Instead, wear your fishnets with a skirt that sits just above the knee. A skirt that is longer is also fine.

Consider wearing fishnets that have finer mesh. These will appear less “racy” and more toned down than wider meshed fishnets.[3] The smaller the diamond shapes, the better the look and the easier it is to suggest sophistication.

Keep the rest of your clothing simple. Avoid patterns or prints that compete with the fishnets and let it be the interesting fashion statement only. Wear tailored shirts, bespoke jackets, and neat clothing as a whole. Keep the make-up toned right down, and the accessories and jewelry likewise. Pearls work well as elegant understatement jewelry. Use fishnets to make bland, neutral, and otherwise basic clothing look less matronly and more elegant.

Stick with black, brown, or nude fishnets for day wear.

Wear closed toe shoes. Avoid anything open-toed, as it looks messy. Boots are also a fine option; indeed a knee-length dress or skirt with knee-high boots and a touch of fishnet in between can be very ladylike, provided the clothing is good quality.

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