Vincy Workplace
June 28, 2013

Carnival is Mas, Music and Money

The bottom line is: Carnival is a business and it’s important to know that at the heartbeat of Carnival is not the nice time, but the money that is being made by many people in the coming weeks. Carnival is mas, music and, for just about everyone, Carnival is about money, whether you are a small vendor, mas camp, calypsonian, hotel, the government, big business, promoter, minibus driver, family member receiving gifts from visiting relatives, and the list goes on. Because everyone benefits, businesses and individuals must make an effort to conduct themselves as if they are running a very profitable venture.{{more}} We must see the product that is Carnival and be courteous, deliver exceptional service, and offer an excellent product.

Visitors who feel welcomed will spend more money. The goal should be to get visitors to fall in love with every aspect of St Vincent and the Grenadines — the scenery, food, activities, people —and help to create a memorable experience that makes it impossible not to return in 2014. Although the focus is on the mas parties, think about visitors who may be looking for alternatives to the parties as well, and then WOW every visitor with our exceptional service. Think about how you can make a difference. Here are just a few ideas.

Airport, Airlines and Waterways

As officers, your interaction with visitors, whether newcomers or Vincentians returning home, can set the tone for the rest of their stay. Look clean, and smile. Visitors who have lost luggage will be angry; they are often tired, hungry and frustrated after a long day or two of travel. Answer questions politely, avoid giving vague answers, and resolve problems immediately and privately.

Food Establishments
Whether you sell on the street or you own a restaurant, keep the area clean. Food service should be quick, well prepared, and again service should be with a smile. “Please” and “thank you” should be used often.

Taxi and Mini-Bus Drivers

Become familiar with all the festival events and tourist attractions on the island. If you are courteous and make a few recommendations to visitors, you will increase your chances of getting repeat business during their stay. Resist the urge to increase fares and take advantage of visitors.

Show Promoters

Shows should start and end on time and run smoothly. Invest in professionals who can entertain the audience and provide quality equipment that reduces incidents of sound problems. Event staff should be courteous and knowledgeable about Carnival activities and Vincentian history in general, and please smile.

Retail Businesses
Employees should move and greet every customer as soon as they walk in the door; do so willingly and with a smile. Consider varying your hours, as many visitors come from countries where businesses are open very late.


As in years past, every effort should be made to keep the streets clean and provide visible security presence for safety.

Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert.” For a FREE SPECIAL REPORT on Avoiding Career Killers in the Workplace, send an email to

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