Vincy Workplace
August 10, 2012

Are you a good customer?

Are you a good customer or are you the type that gives service representatives sleepless nights? Businesses invest millions annually in customer service training, hoping to lure new business and keep their old business, and that is a wise investment.{{more}} However, our society has become so demanding and so rude that it’s time we remind you, the customer, how to be a better customer. Although, technically, the customer is always right, a little common sense and courtesy can make most situations a bit more bearable for everyone.

Pack a healthy dose of patience before you go shopping. Everyone wants what you want and they want it now, so just wait your turn.

Do not invite your friends to cut the line when you are way up front and they do not want to wait in the back. It’s unfair to those who have been waiting.

Do not take out your frustration on store clerks, when the real reason you are upset is due to problems at home or work. Your misdirected anger can spoil a good shopping day for many people.

As far as possible, leave the screaming, badly behaved kids at home. Children should not be subjected to the chaos that accompanies shopping; it puts everyone on edge, especially when children do not know how to behave in public or are overly tired and hungry.

Know what you want when you enter a store. It keeps the lines moving and avoids unnecessary spending. Nothing is more annoying than an undecided shopper in a crowded store with limited customer service help.

Have your money ready when you approach the cash register. You are in line to pay. Looking for your money after the attendant has calculated your purchase is simply inconsiderate and a big time waster. Estimate your cost and have your payment ready.

Stay off the cell phone. It is rude to answer your phone when you get to the register. Some people would have an entire line waiting while they chat on the phone. Get out of the line if the call is that important.

Be courteous to your fellow shoppers. Please, thank you and excuse me are still the order of the day.

If you are unhappy with the service, try to handle it discreetly instead of creating a major scene.

Happy Shopping!

Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert.” For a FREE SPECIAL REPORT on Avoiding Career Killers in the Workplace, send an email to
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