Vincy Workplace
September 4, 2009

Improving your Company’s Image

Business has been and will always be about competition and one of the ways a company loses or gains ground is in the appearance of its workforce.

A well-dressed workforce conveys an image of competence, professionalism and respect for each other, the customers and their business.{{more}} Banks, sports teams and other businesses that require a uniform grasp that concept well. It builds employee confidence and studies have shown that productivity actually increases. In industries such as the food service and hospitality industry it is a matter of safety and healthy food handling.

Take a moment to examine the clothing your employees wear to work on a daily basis. Is it helping the company gain ground or lose ground? Yes, some may look good in the clothes they wear but that does not make it appropriate for the workplace.

Your employee’s choice of attire sends a message to all who come in contact with them and unfortunately in different workplaces the wrong messages are being sent. Both men and women are confused about how to dress, but women and younger workers tend to be some of the biggest offenders. Fashions for women continue to push the envelope of what is decent, and some designers have incorporated unacceptable styles that try to pass themselves off as work attire.

In an effort to end the confusion, it is important for companies to develop dress policies that are clearly spelt out (include pictures) and assist employees to make the transition from fashion mistake to a professional powerhouse.

Here are a few guidelines.

1. Decide what image your company wants to project. Will a uniform for all employees achieve that or will individual professional dress (guided by company policy) be more appropriate?

2. When developing the dress policy, include statements on cleanliness, casual day if one exists, hair, facial hair, tattoos, body piercing, accessories and personal hygiene, to name a few. Nothing should be left to an employee’s interpretation.

3. Inform employees of the new dress code immediately. Make it readily available and outline consequences for not adhering to company policy.

4. Make sure policy complies with the laws of the land as it pertains to employees with special religious needs.

5. When the dress code is violated, address the issue immediately and apply the consequences FAIRLY, then help employees correct their mistakes.

Karen Hinds – President/CEO
Workplace Success Group LLC
21 West Main Street 4th fl
Waterbury, CT 06702
Phone: 203-757-4103
A CT Winner of the Make Mine a Million Dollar Business award!