Tomorrow is Football’s Election Day
September 23, 2011

Tomorrow is Football’s Election Day

Fri, Sept 23. 2011

The St. Vincent and the Grenadines Football Federation will hold their Annual General Meeting (AGM) tomorrow, from 10:00 am, on the second floor of the Golden Apple Building, opposite the General Post office in Kingstown.{{more}}

The main agenda item of the AGM is the election of a new Executive to serve for the next four-year administrative cycle.

Affiliates will elect persons to the posts of President and three Vice Presidents.

Seeking to replace outgoing President Joseph Delves, who is not standing for re-election, are former President Venold Coombs, Patrick Horne, and Michael John, who previously served as a Treasurer and Committee Member.

Based on the nominations forwarded to the Secretariat of the SVGFF, contesting the post of First Vice President are Former President and outgoing First Vice President Ian Sardine, Arnold Dalrymple, Clemroy “Bert” Francois, a former Treasurer and Office Manager of the SVGFF, Dexter Walker, Cerlian Russell, Lloyd Small and Vernon Mc Dowald.

Francois, Walker, Russell, Sardine, Dalrymple and Marvin Fraser are listed for the post of Second Vice-President.

Nominated for the Third Vice President spot are Francois, Walker, Russell, Sardine, Dalrymple, Paul Boucher and Kamara Doyle.

Francois, Walker, Russell, Sardine and Dalrymple are part of John’s team, which was formally declared at a Press Conference at the Computec Conference Room last Tuesday afternoon.

Horne’s lone partner is Vernon Mc Dowald.

Lloyd Small, Marvin Fraser and Paul Boucher are on the slate of Coombs. Small is a former General Secretary, and Boucher, a former Committee Member.

Russell, Dalymple, Doyle and Fraser served as Committee Members under the outgoing Executive, led by Delves.

Among the nominees, Horne, and Walker, a former national player, and Mc Dowald, are seeking national Football service for the first time.

Apart from the election of officers, other agenda items are the Presentation of the Executive Summary and the Presentation of Financial Statement and Audited Balance Sheet for the year ended December, 31 2010.

Following tomorrow’s election, the newly elected President has two nominees as Committee Members, with the general body electing the other three at their first General Meeting.

When the last election of an executive took place in October 2007, Delves defeated St. Clair Leacock 40-39. (RT)