Courts holds virtual soccer tournament
June 18, 2010

Courts holds virtual soccer tournament

If local football enthusiasts have their way, the outcomes of the first round of the 2010 World Cup would be different.

Last Saturday, furniture and appliance store Courts hosted a virtual football competition, with avid football and video game fans coming up against each other, playing the just released FIFA World Cup 2010 on Playstation 3 consoles.{{more}}

The winner is set to receive not the FIFA World Cup Trophy but a 32-inch Sony LCD television set.
32 players selected their teams from 2010 World Cup finalists and contested each other in the same round one schedule as the real World Cup action currently taking place in South Africa.

16 ‘teams’ have qualified to move onto the next round beginning tomorrow at the Kingstown branch and will see the likes of Mexico (Darren Kennedy), Cameroon (Brent Cyrus) North Korea (Sylvanus Baptiste), Germany (Lennox Carr), Serbia (Ivo Carr), Chile (Jerrel Stapleton) and Italy (Dewayne Dennie) battling it out in the virtual competition.

This is just one of the three World Cup promotions that Courts is running during the largest sporting competition in the world.

The store also has up for grabs EC $1000 if one lucky customer can identify which flag is missing from the 31 balls that have been placed around the store.

All correct entries to this competition will be placed for the grand prize draw at the end of the month.
The third promotion is the ‘Courts Keep it up’ competition, which will see which contestant can ‘juggle’ a Courts football for the longest period of time.

This competition continues tomorrow, with the winner also receiving a EC $1000 prize.