March 19, 2010

Taking Stock of Soccer

by Seymour “Rollit” Walrond 19.MAR.10

In 2010, while taking stock of your soccer, be aware of those who want to be an executive. Also beware of past and present Executives and their supporters who have never produced and implemented a development plan to improve your playing ability and the sport.{{more}}

As we analyze and evaluate each performance, we must also establish the origin of the problem, and ask ourselves, are we committed? Do you know what motivates you and your teammates to play and to play better? Are your practice sessions improving your soccer ability? What have you learned from your administrators that you did not learn for yourselves? Are you a better player now and why?

Let’s imagine you are a player. What would be your answer to the above questions? The origins of most soccer problems are the affiliates, especially the two members who represent each affiliated member at meetings and elect the Executives. They cause the problems in soccer.

The people elect persons who they consider and believe to be respectable in the society and can beg; also who they think will help them personally, rather than electing persons with experience and who are knowledgeable of the sport, its requirements and process of development to develop the players and the sport.

After elections, these representatives are nowhere to be found to help these “respectable Executives” with no experience and little knowledge of the sport. Like their voters, they are left to carry on soccer, making speeches, promises that never materialize, disrespecting the people with experience and trained by FIFA, which spends millions of dollars on educational and developmental programs. They have no structures and programs to develop the players and the sports. Had the voting representatives been knowledgeable of the sport, they would be the ones filling the various sub committees of their Federation along with a professional person to give impetus in developing the sport holistically. The remarks of CONCACAF Vice President that “Administrators are retarding the sport”, is reason enough for all to analyze and evaluate their own in order to stop the downward trend.

Teams’ representatives, especially those who attend meetings to vote, were invited to a meeting with the FIFA representative on the February 16, 2010, to discuss the state of affairs of soccer in SVG. They arrived very late, attendance was very poor, and only two Executive Members were present.

The low attendance and tardiness in arrivals show a lack of interest and total disrespect. “To FAIL TO PREPARE to meet and discuss Soccer with THE HEAD OF SOCCER is to prepare TO FAIL TO DEVELOP our soccer.”