Special Feature
October 22, 2010


by Shenica Haynes Fri, Oct 22, 2010

Emancipated from the tyranny of slavery,
Our ancestors can only celebrate a physical liberty
Free from the chains but still governed by the rules, laws and principles of the British Monarchy.
“You are free” masser said set a liberty to cultivate lands,
But the land is mine, so you have to work for me for less than a penny.{{more}}

Estate life was no bed of roses.
Our fore parents were all victims,
But they knew without knowledge.
Their hopes of mental and political liberty would be shattered,
So they sent their children to school
And as time went by they became so educated they were not so easily fooled.

The advancements were slow at times,
But there was more opportunity,
So their children academic were secondary and also tertiary.
No more keep the people in ignorance for better governance,
But with widespread education
Governance had to account to a literate and intelligent nation.
So they were progressing towards independence.

Then our leaders were no longer from Britain,
They were offspring’s of estate workers,
Whose parents sacrificed daily to make them think and act independently.
The transition from governors enables us to boast chief ministers, premiers and then victoriously in “79” prime minister,
We were an independent nation, free to make our own political decisions.
Thanks to Chatoyer, Mc Intosh, Joshua and Cato whose vision of independence, make us a proud and better nation.

Happy 31st Anniversary of Independence, St Vincent and the Grenadines