April 12, 2013

How to recognize and treat pain in your pets

Treating pain in your dog or cat can be difficult, because while people are “painfully” aware when they are in pain, animals are much more stoic. Therefore, it’s oftentimes difficult to know when animals are actually suffering or in pain. Most importantly, they can’t open their mouths and say, “Hey mom, or dad, I’m in pain over here. Can you help me?”{{more}}

Thus, pain management has become an important issue in veterinary medicine. Studies have shown that by helping your pet avoid pain, you may be able to speed the recovery process, whether from surgery or injury. Best of all, because it reduces stress and increases a sense of well-being, pain management may even help your beloved pet live longer.

Signs Your Pet Is in Pain

When humans feel pain, they complain. However, when it comes to our pets, we rarely hear a peep out of them. So, if they can’t tell us, how do we know when our pets are in pain?

Pay attention. While your pet can’t talk, they oftentimes send us signals that indicate they are suffering from some type of acute or chronic pain.

  •  Unusually quiet, listless, restless, or unresponsive
  •  Whining, whimpering, howling, or constantly meowing
  •  Biting, either itself or those around it
  •  Constantly licking a particular part of the bod
  •  Demonstrating uncharacteristic behaviour (e.g. overly aggressive or submissive)
  •  Flattening the ears against the head
  •  Having trouble sleeping or eating
  •  Appearing excessively needy; seeking a lot more affection than usual

How You Can Help Your Pet

If you suspect your pet is in pain, contact your veterinarian immediately. He or she will perform a complete medical evaluation to help you assess the cause of the pain and potential solutions.

As with any medical condition, your veterinarian is your best ally in identifying and managing your pet’s pain. Pain management requires a team effort, but the end result can be a happier and healthier companion.

For further information, contact: Dr Collin Boyle Unique Animal Care Co. Ltd.
Tel: 456 4981
