November 26, 2010

Doggy odours

The characteristic “doggy odour” is not something we relish for our dog, but is an inevitable part of owning a canine companion. However, this is not something which you have to endure, there are many solutions to your beloved pooch’s smelly problem.{{more}}

In order to remedy the offensive odour, the source or cause must first be identified. Some common reasons why your dog may reek are:

  • Your dog has been rolling in some sort of decomposing organic matter (garbage) . The easiest way to rid this kind of odour is a good bath.

*Excessive skin oil. Usually, shampooing your dog will cleanse the skin leaving the dog smelling fresh and clean. You should take care not to bathe your dog too frequently though, as the dog’s coat requires some degree of oil to remain healthy. You should not bathe your dog more often than every two weeks to avoid drying out the skin too much. Shampoo made especially for dogs should be used, as human shampoo is designed to remove ALL of the oil. In between baths, specially formulated dog cologne may be used to mask the odour.

*Excessive skin oil may be attributed to your dog’s diet. Giving your dog foods with a lower fat content can help reduce the oil levels in the skin.

  • Dog body odour can be a sign of illness. Diseases such as cancer, seborrhoea and mange can cause your dog to smell unpleasant. Yeast infections and ear infections are also quite common causes of bad odours. You should have your animal thoroughly checked by a vet if the odour persists after a bath.

*Anal sacs can also cause your dog to have a foul odour. These sacs are located to the left and right of the anus and can become filled with a terrible smelling brown watery liquid. Filled anal sacs are can be identified by the dog dragging its posterior on the ground (scooting), licking or biting at the anus, sitting uncomfortably, having difficulty sitting or standing, or chasing its tail. If any of those symptoms are noticed, you should have your vet empty the sacs to alleviate the dog’s discomfort and to eliminate the putrid odour.

  • Mouth diseases such as gingivitis and periodontal disease can cause offensive smells to be emitted from the mouth, this also requires medical attention from your veterinarian. Your dog’s mouth may also be smelly if he or she engages in coprophagy – stool eating.

For further information, contact: Dr. Collin Boyle
Unique Animal Care Co. Ltd. Tel: 456 4981