September 18, 2009

Your Dog’s Skin and Coat

Believe it or not, a dog’s skin is very sensitive and delicate. Their pH is different from a human’s and because of this dogs need to use very specific skin care products. Using human skin care products on dogs, more often than not causes skin problems.{{more}}

Underneath a dog’s skin are the sebaceous glands that secrete a greasy substance that works itself up onto the dogs skin all the way to its hair, and it serves to protect the dog’s skin and hair. Although it is true that dogs require baths, make sure that you do not bathe them too often. Once every three weeks is good enough. Bathing them too often will remove this substance from their skin and hair, and removing this natural oil makes the dog become vulnerable to humidity, powder, impurities etc. A dog’s hair is very similar to that of a human’s as it is born, grows, gets old, and dies and it is then replaced with new hair. Of course, there are many different types of dogs with different types of hair and coats. Therefore, it’s important to find out what type of hair, coat and care your dog will require before getting one.

Normally, dogs that have long straight hair shed two times a year and they need and require daily brushing and frequent grooming. Dogs that have shorter hair can shed all throughout the year, and these dogs also require frequent grooming and brushing. Dogs that have stiff, bristled or curly hair shed less, but their hair continues growing, and they require grooming as well.

Another very important reason to keep your dog’s coat and hair clean is to avoid unwanted parasites such as ticks and flees and lice that hide and live in the hair coat. Remember that the best way to get your dog used to your cuddles, petting, and tickles is to do this while grooming. It is advisable to groom your dog regularly and take advantage of this opportunity to establish trust and strengthen their bonds.

For further information, contact: Dr. Collin Boyle
Unique Animal Care Co. Ltd.
Tele: 456 4981