What did the rural constables do wrong?
Our Readers' Opinions
August 7, 2018

What did the rural constables do wrong?

EDITOR: Wickedness in high places – is this the labour love and the poor people government? What did the rural constables do wrong? Were they supervising themselves?

They were working like police officers; visiting farmers. If they have any report they dealt with it right in the field, especially those who were working at the Biabou Police Station. They were out in the field everyday, we could have counted on them. Three weeks ago I made a report to the Biabou Police Station about the theft of yams, up to this present time no police has come.

Rural Constables have loans to repay. If you all send them home, they should get something else to do. And what about traffic wardens who have worked for 12-plus years and have never reported against anyone? Rural Constables arrested four men at Byera for the theft of a bunch of grosmishel (bananas) and you never heard anything about that, and they made several other arrests.

Concerned Farmer