Our Readers' Opinions
September 26, 2014

Leave the politics out, be mature in our thinking

Editor: The recent partial collapse of the house at Clare Valley is being much discussed. Of course, we know that we, as Vincentians, would naturally put political spin on it. There are those who would seek to make the Government look bad in this situation, while some on the Government side would seek to defend the Government and try to make them look innocent. However, we must take the politics out of this and think rationally and nationally.{{more}}

There is no doubt that the Prime Minister would heavily compensate the family. But we have to look beyond the compensation and look at the remaining houses. We must, however, not be immature in our thinking and make rash judgment one way or the other. We must leave the politics out and be mature in our thinking.

A proper investigation is needed as to the real causes of the house collapsing. The remaining houses must also come under heavy scrutiny, likewise the soil and the construction of the houses. Maybe, it is time to have proper studies done before houses are constructed. The collapsing of the house, if not handled with wisdom, can cause fear amongst the homeowners living in that vicinity.

This house situation is also a lesson for us to learn from, that we must examine the soil, the place we intend to build and also to ensure that the contractors are honest, well qualified and know their job. Because it is my honest belief that sometimes many contractors are not honest, reliable and qualified. There are some contractors who get jobs based on friends and political persuasion.

Let us hope that this will not be another GIBSON CORNER fiasco. For, if it does, it would come to haunt the present administration. This situation can also harm the ULP’s chances in South Leeward if it is not handled properly. Whereas if on the other hand it is handled effectively and with wisdom and foresight, then it can enhance the chances of ULP in South Leeward.

Leaving the politics aside, we as VINCENTIANS need to be careful of where we build. We also need in this situation to give support in whatever way we can to the affected family. It is also a wake-up call to the Housing and Land Development Cooperation to pay careful attention to where they build, who are the contractors and ensure that proper studies are done, including soil testing and knowledge of the area. Also the HLDC must take on board seriously the complaints of homeowners when they make them.

Let us pray that due diligence be done in the future by all of us VINCENTIANS as to where we build and who builds for us. The Government also must learn from this experience and ensure that proper studies are done and also given to the right contractor, regardless to which party he supports. Let us hope that is just a one-off situation. I take this opportunity to empathize with the affected family. I pray God’s strength in this trying time and am thankful that no lives were lost or injury occurred. For the Lord never leaves nor forsakes us.

Kennard King