Our Readers' Opinions
May 2, 2014

Can we really trust NDP?

Fri May 2, 2014

Editor: Can we really trust NDP when it comes to corruption and petty theft? According to the Leader of the Opposition, when they get into office they would have zero tolerance for corruption and petty theft.{{more}}

When it comes to corruption check the NDP. The Ottley Hall Marina Project was the biggest corruption ever in this country. What about the Marketing Board supermarket? Hmm, that was another corruption. Many of our young voters are too young to remember the days of the NDP when some Ministers of Government were using the government vehicles for their own personal use. I tell you the list can go on and on.

By the way, who it was that sold prime lands in the Grenadines at forty cents a square foot to some of their big supporters? Hey, have you ever wondered who was Sir James Mitchell’s fiscal advisor when many of these occurred? None other than “Mr Clean” Arnhim Eustace.

I know that many persons have a lot to tell God, for some knew about the corruption and did not say anything. Some were involved and some were even forced into corruption to save their jobs.

But I know it is not too late. I wonder how those who got involved in corruption feel? Can they really live with themselves comfortably? Hmmm, it would be interesting.

Returning NDP to power would be the greatest mistake Vincentians would make. If your conscience is bothering you because of your involvement in corruption, it is time to ask God’s forgiveness and come to the ULP fold where there is room for whosoever will may come.

And with that I end with the words of Dr Byron-Cox, “I rest my case.” I gone until.

A political observer on the ground