Our Readers' Opinions
July 5, 2013

Let’s find an alternative venue for these shows

Fri July 5, 2013

Editor: The Carnival season is almost at an end. No doubt many shows were held and would be held at the Victoria Park. It must be borne in mind that it is not only at Carnival time that shows are held at Victoria Park, but at different times throughout the year.{{more}}

The holding of shows at this venue has created and will continue to create a problem. The problem is the loud noise that comes from the Park and affects the patients at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital, which is just couple yards away from the Park. The close proximity of the hospital to the Park is sometimes not taken into consideration by those operating the sound system at the Park.

I sometimes wonder if it is necessary to have the music played at such high volumes and then the shows go on into ungodly hours. I wonder if the organisers of these shows are conscious that they are disturbing the patients at the MCMH. I know that when someone applies for permission to hold a gospel meeting or any other meeting, they are told that the cut off point is nine in the night and that they ought to ensure that the traffic flows smoothly and that the volume of the noise does not disturb others. Yet, in these shows, I wonder if it is mentioned that the volume of the noise not disturb the patients and others living in and around Victoria Park.

I am certain that many persons besides these patients are also disturbed by the loudness of the music that comes from the Park. I know many would be quiet, since it is Carnival and may be enjoying it, while others are prevented from having a proper sleep, even when they are sick.

After all, since persons are present in the Park to hear the show and be part of it, why is it necessary to have such big speakers and loud sound systems blasting music? Is there no regard or respect for these patients and other individuals? After all, there must be a level playing field. Gospel meetings have to close by 9 p.m. and the music has to be kept in a way so as to not disturb others: then, why are these shows allowed to go on for so long, while at the same time disturbing the peace of others, amongst them the patients at the MCMH in Kingstown.

It may be a bit too late in terms of the Carnival shows, but consideration should be given to this situation for future shows held at this venue. Consideration must also be made by the authorities to ensure that organisers of these shows respect the rights and peace of others.

Kennard King