Our Readers' Opinions
April 9, 2013

Let’s be conscious of the times in which we live

Tue Apr 9, 2013

Editor: Demonic possession is quite prevalent in this blessed land of ours. There are various contributing factors to it, such as music, tattoos, and jewellery, amongst other things. Much of the criminal and ill-disciplined behaviour is as a result of demonic activities.{{more}}

Thus, it is of importance that parents, especially Christian parents, be careful as to what their children watch or listen to, and also what they wear. We have seen or heard of instances in SVG of preachers (mainly foreign) who claim to have the gift of healing and casting out demons, doing acts that contradict the word of God.

The Bible mentions about praying for them and laying on of hands and commanding the spirits to go in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and also where the elders pray for the sick and anointing them with oil. Nowhere has there been any other mention in the Bible of casting out demons in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and while doing so giving the persons water to drink or using salt or any other materials. If I am wrong, I stand corrected.

There are many instances in the Bible where Jesus Christ and also his disciples cast out demons, but they never used any other things as aids. Also there is never any act of vomiting or any such like, but simply they would go as commanded. In Mark 5:12, the demons requested to be sent into the pigs. There are so many more that can be added to this article.

However, it is important that we understand that even workers of iniquity can cast out demons, as seen in Matthew 7:22, 23. So, we ought not to be carried away by some who claim to be faith healers and can cast out demons. If it is not done according to what is written in the word of God, we ought to reject it.

For we know that Satan comes as an angel of light, according to 2 Corinthians 11: 14. Therefore let us be reminded, according to 1 Timothy 4:1, that we are living in the last days when many shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Let us therefore be conscious of the times we are living in and be students of the Bible, so that we can rightly divide the word of truth, so that we cannot be easily led astray by false prophets and teachers with itching ears.

It is time to pray and be watchful.

Kennard King