Our Readers' Opinions
July 17, 2012

Wonderful nurses of SVG

Tue, Jul 17. 2012

Editor: I was admitted to hospital three months ago. I had to stay at male medical ward for a couple of days. As we all know, they are short staffed.

Right now, I am speaking specially for the nurses. I was not aware that nurses have to work much harder than anyone can imagine, especially when they work at nights.{{more}} It is horrible. Only one registered nurse and a nursing assistant for the whole ward of 30 patients. This is ridiculous. the poor RN has to stand on her feet whole night to tend to all the patients. Oh, come on! She is not a machine; even machines need rest at times. I even asked the one of the nurses how do you get strength to work like this. She replied with a big smile.Then I just thought to myself that those nurses have to be sent by God. They are forgetting their life and caring for others. I have no idea how these nurses are coping. I would like to ask the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines to kindly do the needful things for these nurses who are the foundation of the health care system. They are not privileged like other public servants like police officers and teachers. Nurses deserve better.

Finally, my special thanks to Dr Miguel, Nurse Bradshaw and the Male Medical staff.
