Our Readers' Opinions
July 13, 2012

Other Unionites made a bigger contribution

Fri, Jul 13. 2012

Editor: I here respond to a letter of July 6, 2012, titled “Is Lawyer Emmanuel Fatima Adams a forgotten hero?” I was dumbfounded by the sentence “Emmanuel Fatima Adams has done more for Union Island than any other islander.” By what measure was the letter writer judging Mr Adams’ contribution to Union Island as opposed to other Unionites? It would appear that it is because of being first in a number of areas, for which we have no historical evidence/facts to prove or disprove.{{more}}

Did he contribute thirty plus years to education in Union Island as did Vernice Williams and Annette Alexander-Thomas who served all of their teaching life in Union Island and have just retired? There are at least eight current teachers in Union Island who have given over twenty years of service to the island. How many years did Mr E.F Adams teach for in Union Island? The writer should research this.

Others have also contributed to Union Island for twenty-five plus years in other areas: Vibert Dublin and Weston Stewart spring to mind. Many others have their stories of contribution, against the odds, to Union Island, for which they do not seek a “hero’s” recognition.

I agree with the writer that other(s) who did not serve Union Island well enough have had recognition beyond their years of service to the island, particularly in a place where they made NO contribution. This is a wrong which the history of Union Island will never be able to justify.

Mr E.F Adams was a Unionite but most Unionites who know him will not agree with the letter writer’s plea for his ascension into the pantheon of Union Island’s “heroes”, whatever that word means.

A Unionite Who Also Served