Our Readers' Opinions
July 6, 2012

Only in St Vincent and the Grenadines

Fri, Jul 6. 2012

Editor: Radio stations in SVG and their so-called talk show hosts are getting away with murder, because there are no human rights laws or broadcast standards in the country.{{more}}

Imagine a talk show host saying on air that their station does not play a certain calypso because it is critical of the ULP and their radio station is an arm of the ULP.

A radio host has the right to decide which calypso he/she plays on his/her show. But it is wrong and plain dotish to reject a calypso that is air-worthy because it is critical of a particular party. And the dotishness is compounded by the host actually giving that reason on air for not playing the calypso on his radio station.

Then, there is the other ULP radio host who refuses to read a commentary on his Shake Up show, because the commentary calls for an end to the Ottley Hall Inquiry. A view which he and his party apparently do not support.

Are these people for real? Do these radio stations have management teams?


Only in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Wade Kojo Williams, Sr.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada