Our Readers' Opinions
March 9, 2012

I would like to pose a few questions…

Fri, Mar 9. 2012

Editor: Amen to Kennard King’s last week’s letter. He pointed out that alcohol is used by demons to control a person, much of the music of the world today is another gateway for the demons.{{more}}

Many times those songs are dedicated to demons before they are recorded. He is right on all counts.

He truly pointed out the dangers and warned parents that these kind of things will destroy a family. He’s right.

However, I would like to ask some questions.

If alcohol is a gateway for demons, why do churches

serve it at communion, instead of “the fruit of the vine” (Implying a non fermented grape juice)?

If alcohol is a gateway for demons, why do churches allow their church members to drink it?

If alcohol is a gateway for demons, why does Gospel Fest accept support from the Brewery? You can say Coke a Cola all you want, but the root is fixed at the brewery. Why not be like Nehemiah and tell the world Neh. 2:20 “Then answered I them, and said unto them, The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem.” (Christian matters) If gospel fest is to be truly of Christ, it would not be of the world. How come the participating churches can’t support it?

If the present world’s music has been dedicated to demons, why do so many churches allow that same music into their church services?

And again, I am sure that Gospel Fest will once again be like a carnival when it comes to music.

Just asking.

In Christ,