Our Readers' Opinions
February 21, 2012

That thing called love

Tue, Feb 21, 2012

Editor: The definition of love is still a mystery to many people today. The word ‘love’ has meant so many things to so many people that it is no accident that there is such major emphasis placed on it in scriptures.{{more}} Do we really know what love is? Do we know how to act, operate and walk in love? The word love has become such a cliché in society today that it is used with little thought of what it really means.

Reality check! Love is not an emotion! Neither is it something you fall in and out of. So what is love?

The apostle Paul went through great lengths in 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 to show us what love really is. Paul declares that even our most spectacular manifestations, our gifts, talents, etc. mean nothing unless they are motivated by love. The Greek word for love, ‘agape’, indicates a selfless concern for others; it distinguishes itself from erotic love or just simple affection. It is likened unto the love Christ himself displays to mankind.

Paul describes love both positively and negatively. ‘Love’ is not proud, not rude, does not delight in evil, and keeps no record of wrongs and so on. In other words love is not inconsiderate,

agitated or has a short memory. It always protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. So love trusts, is hopeful and is enduring.

Most importantly, God is love (1John 4:16). John stresses the supremacy of love as a characteristic of God and hence as a dominant characteristic of a true believer.

Love is not a feeling; it is a willing. Something you choose to do. Real love never ends and so Paul encourages us to pursue love.

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