Our Readers' Opinions
October 28, 2011

Congratulations to Leslie Jack

Fri, Oct 28. 2011

Editor: The Bible admonishes us, and I quote, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to do it”. This is according to the New American Standard Bible. It is with this in mind that I stop to publicly say CONGRATULATIONS to you on achieving the position of CEO/Manager of Lime.{{more}}

We live in a society where for some of us the expressions “Congratulations”, “You have done well”, “Thank you” have been either withheld or have never been spoken to us or our children, for several reasons of which we may never know. However, thanks to those who have done it and thanks to those who will continue to see the need to do it.

I would like to encourage your staff to give you full support as we realize leadership in these times, whether it be the Church, the Home, the Organisation, Businesses, the Nation, the Service Clubs or Groups leadership it is not easy. I also want to take this opportunity to encourage you to continue to humble yourself before the sovereign God and to use this position to bring honour and glory to his name.


Kathleen Sally Glasgow