Our Readers' Opinions
September 20, 2011

Cries for Justice in this blessed land of SVG

Tue, Sept 20. 2011

Editor: Viewing SVGTV news last Tuesday evening was like looking at a serious crime movie. “Campden Park man murdered two and left two injured in a shooting rampage”…“Man found dead in a pit latrine in Sharpes…” Can it get worse in SVG?{{more}}

Amidst the expression of grief and condolences by relatives and friends of the victims, the call for the death penalty (hanging) could not escape our ears. One lady said, “If they give me the job to hang them I will hang them.” It seems as if we, the ordinary citizens, have a greater sense of justice than those with the authority who can do better!

I continue to be saddened by the escalating crime situation in our country. We do not even get time to recover from the horror of one crime, before another is committed. Perpetrators of these heinous crimes operate as if life is of no value – the life of the victim. What is often vexing is that these murderers, along with their defenders, will have the audacity to argue that these cold-blooded murderers have a right to life and to even demand improved conditions in prison. They unwisely describe a God-instituted penalty for murder as being “barbaric and inhumane”. In essence, the murderer’s evil act is often excused, causing him to get away from just punishment- the DEATH PENALTY.

My message to murderers is ‘repent of your wicked ways so that you will be saved in the judgement of God (Ezekiel 18:21, 22). However, the consequence for your heartless unlawful killing, with premeditated malice should be DEATH, nothing less.’ The all wise God, wiser and more just than any man, says ‘whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man…If thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain…’ (Gen. 9:6; Rom.13:4).

The issue of crime is a very serious one. I often wonder how serious is the authority (the judiciary, the privy council etc.) in dealing with crime? The situation is worsening in the country and ‘Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil’ (Eccl.8:11).

People think they can settle their differences or vent their anger by boldly resorting to crime- even the worst of crimes. Obviously they seem not to be deterred, since all that happens is that they spend some time in jail, getting fat off tax payers money. In the meanwhile, all the family of the victim receives is condolences. What about justice? The failure to give the criminal the just penalty for his crime often creates graver problems. ‘Ah go kill yo and do me time ah jail yo know’ is often echoed by the would-be criminal. If they know that they will receive the death penalty for their crime, they will think twice before even uttering such words.

The crime rate will not decrease until there is visible and just punishment meted out to the criminals. Forget all the foolish, emotional, unbiblical and unfounded arguments that are propagated, such as ‘it is barbaric, inhumane…the criminal deserving a second chance etc.’ Do they even imagine being in the place of the family of the victim/s! It is these same ‘pathetic’ arguments that are used against Corporal Punishment when the Bible tells us ‘withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beat him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shall beat him with the rod, and deliver his soul from hell’ (Prov.23:13, 14). Do you think that criminals are born overnight? It is years of fostering ill-disciplined behaviour and parents’ failure to exercise corrective measures of punishments which produce hardened criminals. It is the cherishing and pampering of selfish, evil character traits that develop into mature, uncontrollable passions leading to murder. And then, some ‘know-it-all humanist’ tells us that corporal punishment and capital punishment are inhumane and humiliating. Non-sense! I join with all who cry for justice and peace in the land. It’s time to be meaningfully ‘tough on crime and the causes of crime’.

Ann-Marie Ballantyne