Our Readers' Opinions
July 29, 2011

Open letter to President Hugo Chavez

Fri, Jul 29. 2011

July 26, 2011 (day of the 1953 attack on the Moncado Barracks, Cuba)

His Excellency Hugo Chavez


Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

C/o Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela



Dear Sir,

I write this letter on behalf of the Venezuelan-Vincentian Friendship Association (VENVIFA) to extend two wishes to you. The first is for a complete and speedy recuperation from your recent operation.{{more}} The second is for a happy 57th birthday (to be celebrated on July 28), notwithstanding your current circumstances.

Our Friendship Association was established a few months ago, with the primary aim of promoting “the most extensive and mutually beneficial relationships of friendship, co-operation, solidarity and support among the peoples of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the context of unity and integration of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.”

Our programme includes:

a) conducting knowledgably educational work to the public of the lives of the people of both countries.

b) facilitating cultural exchange of persons between countries

c) twinning institutions and

organizations of the two countries

d) Encouraging relevant research into the history of the relations between both countries.

Our members have been following quite closely reports on your medical situation, and desire that their concern and solidarity be communicated to you. We reiterate our wish for a speedy recovery to full health.

We take this opportunity, Excellency, to express our people’s profound appreciation of your unstinting support of our development agenda, reaching many facets of our lives.

Our appreciation extends beyond our own borders to your own country, Venezuela, the region, and the world, touched by your commitment to create new societies free of exploitation and domination, new societies where human dignity remains paramount, and the full development of human potential is the uncompromised goal.

Accept, Your Excellency, our best and sincere wishes. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my highest esteem and consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Mike Browne