Our Readers' Opinions
March 1, 2011

Open letter to North Leeward


North Leeward, don’t be dismayed and daunted by the last election result. The Unity Labour Party is still in government and we have to make sure that we are part of owning the Government.{{more}} This means that we have to be ever vigilant and even more patriotic in ensuring that the Government continues to deliver for the

people of North Leeward and St. Vincent and the Grenadines by extension.

We have to adapt and practise being our brother’s keeper. It is the only way we will heal and bridge that great political divide which hinders our collective thinking. We have to work shoulder to shoulder in a unified and collective effort to advance the lives of the poor and working class by getting rid of poverty and illiteracy. We must build families of sound academic and non-academic skills, and deepen and foster our talents for which we are known, in the areas of sports and music.

We have to build a strong social and religious background, of which Christianity must be the central focus. We have to work hard to get rid of gang violence which is killing our young people, especially our males. The police and churches have a very important role to play in this regard. It is sad to say that I find the churches wanting in this instance, where meetings at church and night ministering to the believers are concerned. The pastors and followers can meet the young people in the streets and minister to them, instead of passing them in the street and then go on the pulpit and condemn them. Jesus walked and ministered to the non-believers. The time is even more needed now for Christians to adopt this method. There is a major shift in our cultural pattern and we have to be creative in dealing with this shift.

There is much to celebrate for and much to look forward to. Exciting times are ahead. The completion of playing fields at Troumaca, Rose Bank and Golden Grove and further upgrading of Rose Hall and Fitz Hughes Playing fields can be funded by the formation of a NGO in North Leeward.

I have always had a vision where Deep Hole in Rose Hall can be turned into a major tourist attraction, as I remember those great days going down to enjoy that fresh clean river water which is a good source of relaxation, exercise and good body massage. The Rose Hall community group is planning to do some work in this regard, which is welcomed and it should be a project that the people of Rose Hall should all work together to achieve. We need to have a renewed community-based spirit to work with the Government and private sector. We are under the caretakership of Dr. Jerrol Thompson, who will partner with us to achieve these projects.

Don’t for one moment believe that North Leeward is NDP territory, for there will be an exciting winning pool of persons to chose from in 2015 . North Leeward, together we will achieve, together we will conquer all negative aspects of our community. Be focused and take advantage of all the opportunities that are out there.

Let us have more doctors, more lawyers, more business persons, more mechanics, more teachers, more builders, more sportspersons and more pastors.

Ariston Dennie